
So... Let's rock?

miércoles, 22 de mayo de 2019


Tic, tic, muevo la mano nerviosamente
Tic, tic, tu mirada está vacía
Tic, tic, siento que no decir nada lo estropea más
Tic, tic la boca me vuelve a doler

Silencio, sigo sin hablar
Pronuncia mi nombre, me desespero
Ahora quién está más enojado?
El golpeteo vuelve, es mi pecho

Todos tienen un límite, estoy cerca al mío
Tu mirada a cambiado
No te culpo pero tampoco quiero torcer
Somos lo que hemos vivido, lo que nos han enseñado
Que pasa contigo? Entiende que el mundo es duro
Que pasa conmigo? No, estás equivocado

Quién impone más? Esto se llama orgullo
No me quiero ir, comienzo a chillar
Te quiero, tal vez no lo expreso en derroche
Si siento demasiado, aterrada jamás

Tengo ganas de correr, tú no apareces
Soy consciente que no te has ido
Echate en mi espalda
Es tiempo de hacerte cariño

domingo, 5 de mayo de 2019


Ha pasado mucho tiempo, no siento nada, no le creo a nadie. Cada vez que escribo repito que el cariño no me es importante, estoy siendo sincera porque en serio no lo es; mis prioridades son otras, mis ambiciones más egoístas.

Entiendo poco, te quiero, se me lia la sien. Un buen tipo me dijiste, y yo también. No me molesta, mi paciencia es grande; estamos avanzando, la vida se torna más agradable.

Pásame otro pisco, que tiemble la superficie; quítame la ropa, no seas amable conmigo. Noto cosas, tienes un concepto errado, que mal tratan algunas.

Llegó viernes, el cielo se cae; me pierdo bastante, no quiero regresar porque mi fuerza tiene un límite y si tú dudas yo también.

Que quieres de mí amor? Te sostengo la mirada, puede ser un para siempre.

domingo, 13 de enero de 2019


It's kind of weird, isn't it? After so many months, I've recently been able to put a name on it. I tried to ignore it but, then I convinced myself that it was just a estranged version of friendship, to an ending called "just history". At one point I even considered love but, this is not a Disney book so let's eliminate that please.

Easement is the word that showed up in the translator when I put the Spanish letters that came to my mind the last time that we slept together.

I'm not sure if that describes all the magnitud... Oh no, no, no, don't take me wrong boy, I just said it, is not love. But feeling this kind of "at ease" isn't that common for what I heard so I looked up online and Google said that when you feel this kind of connection with someone you were a marry couple in a past life. Stupid.

I have to admit that this a strange light which turns on in some micro moments when you are with me. It has me so intrigued, dont eat my brain but it made me think some days.. Its cute, this light is cute and pretty and it feels nice, a different level of nice that doesnt reach in other good times.

Love? No handsome, again I already said that it's not but if love could.. You know, oh please don't get any crazy ideas, please no, just let me finish what I want to say to you. If there is a love like that, is it a kind of couple's love that makes you feel like this, I may.. I may be willing to sign up for it. Actually, I will just accept this love that gives me this kind of peace, this light, this.. This.. Comfort.

I don't care about the butterflies, I don't care about the fairy tail, the economic stability... Its just this because It feels so perfect.

But well.. what.. ? Do you want me to untied you.. ? Ah..? You thought this was a joke, a weird and sexy way to confess me to you? Is it because I'm a fragile women, isn't it?
Oh boy, you don't have any idea of how wrong you are.